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From: Vinay Patankar
Dear JV Partner,
Welcome to and thanks for stopping by the Free Traffic Wiz JV Resource page. Get ready to give you list the best present you could possibly give them. Originally designed as a $97 product, my team and I have re-engineered the offer so it converts like CRAZY and makes you look like a rockstar in front of your list. Your list will love you as so many others who have gone through the course and LOVED it. This is easily the best offer your list is going to see in 2011.
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Are you sick of sending your list to offers that promise the world but don’t explain what the product itself is? Stop sending your list to blind sales copy that tricks the customer into buying something filled with air. Feel confident that you are sending your hard earned leads to a product they will value at a price that is ridiculous! Mail with confidence knowing you are going to look good doing so.
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- Tested offer that over delivers value
- Killer free up front content to wet their mouths
- High converting auto responder to reel back lost buyers
- Monster sales page
- Unannounced exit bonuses to hook bouncers and keep them there
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The sales funnel is constructed to convert massively on the front end with professional copy and sales videos. Then there are the ultra high value up sells including recurring sales options so you keep earning. Then the AFTER sale Auto Responder re-sells the up sells to give you ANOTHER chance to earn. This is a massively high converting and paying offer and is not to be missed.
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Sick of promoting to your list, seeing big sales come from blind copy and then a few days later seeing half of it gone in refunds? Be sick no more. With the way we have structured this offer, refunds are crazy low because of the immense value people are receiving form the product at such a low cost. Add to that, the quality of the product is extensively high as can be seen with extensive reviews from the Warrior Forum which is usually filled with wingers (no offence brothers). [line_break]Insert Your Text Here[/line_break]
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The course is a complete video course compromised of 5 core modules, totalling over 10 hours and 40 videos.
Module 1 – The Website
In this module we introduce high level concepts, talk through the synergy of the different elements of traffic, cover keyword research, domain selection and more. Having the fundamentals done right will make everything much easier in the future.
Module 2 – SEO
Here we cover onsite, offsite, link building (in immense detail). This is EVERYTHING you need to know about SEO for your website. This is a fantastic breakdown on how to get your website ranked #1 in Google. Including basic and advanced SEO Techniques to generate tens of thousands of highly targeted visitors to any website in any niche.
Module 3 – Content
Possibly the most powerful module. After going through this module, I GUARANTEE YOU WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT POWERFUL CONTENT that will build you links, get shared, be popular and drive tens of thousands of visitors to your website. We cover written, video, images and audio content in great detail.
Module 4 – Social Media
Everything you need to know to drive traffic from social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, StumbleUpon and so much more. Learn how to build massive followings, learn to generate massive traffic and sell thousands of dollars of products through Social Media.
Module 5 – Power Plays
This is where it all comes together. Learn how to use the above 4 modules in synergy, where one action bounces off the others to create massive unstoppable torrents of endless traffic. Dominate multiple pages of Google, have your content seen by millions, amass huge social media followings, sell thousands of dollars of products, profit and lead the lifestyle you desire.